Salzgitter Mannesmann Stainless Tubes Deutschland GmbH

Bahnstraße 61
42859 Remscheid


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Mannesmann Stainless Tubes is one of the worldwide leading manufacturers of seamless stainless steel and nickel based alloy tubes and pipes.
Our company has one of the largest product portfolios in this sector and a 125 years long history that dates back to invention of the seamless stainless steel tube.
Our customers profit from one of the most comprehensive product ranges in our business:
- from small instrumentation tubing to large pipe sizes with outside diameters from 6 to 273 mm (from 0.24 up to 10.752 inches) and with wall thicknesses from 0.5 up to 50 mm (from 0.02 up to 1.97 inches)
- in materials from standard austenitic stainless, duplex and super-duplex steels to highly sophisticated nickel-based alloys - this variety offers highest corrosion resistance, heat
resistance and/or high-temperature, high-strength materials.
We combine high quality products for critical environments with efficient and reliable services.

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