LTC-Group - Champagner, Champagne,

LTC-Group - Champagner, Champagne,  - Riesa
Lars Nerig
49 03525 518 582
49 03525 518 312


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LTC-Group is an internationally operating export company with the main emphasis of the obtaining of products from the area of drinks. Our Europe-wide partnerships with large international and national enterprises make it possible for us to offer you a product line of the goods usually enquired worldwide from the areas of brand champagne and beer. Products like detergents, snacks, alcohol and also special remaining stock goods, are part of the further product line.

Export means more for us than to transport goods from one place to another. With our know how and with the help of our efficient partners we would like to create an added value for enterprises both in the purchase and in the sales intersectorally. Through the specialization of our enterprise and through the resulting knowledge lead we see ourselves in a position to be at your disposal for all essential processes as a Full service service provider in the trade. This contains the:

- Manufacturer choice and assessment

- obtaining of offers with best possible price-/ performance relationship

- logistical service

- planning of storage capacities

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